Tuesday, July 24, 2012

DIY: Simple Hook Magnets

This project came about when I kept on looking for the key container, and not only that I kept on complaining that the key container are taking over the dining table. So to save some table space, and to get organized, I had these questions and criteria inside my head? 
  •  Where can I put these keys so that I would be able to find it?
  •  Keep people inside the house to know where to put them back. 
  • Doesn't take table space.
  • Organized.
  • Must be D.I.Y.
  • Cheaper than having to buy myself a wall key holder.
  • Won't create holes on the wall.
The solution I got was simple enough, I frequently use the fridge to hang my utility bill papers, so why not create something that made use of that space. It is also visible so, I now know where to find keys, and where to put them back.

So let's start our DIY!

  • Rectangular Magnetic Sheet
  • heavy duty double sided tape (omit if the wall hooks you bought came with a sticky strip/tape)
  • Wall hook (with a flat backing)
  • scissors or blade cutter
  • cutting mat
  • Ruler (preferably metal ruler if you'll use it with a cutter.

You need to make sure that you have a fridge or a metal wall to hang this little DIY. 
Let's start. Measure the width (a) and the height (b) of the Flat backed Hook. Take note of the size.

Use the measurement a x b as a reference when cutting your little rectangle magnets. Cut the magnetic sheet.

If you have:

A. Flat backed hooks with sticky tape/strip;
All you have to do with this kind of hook is you take the other side of the stick strip and glue it to the magnetic sheet. Then you're done.

B. Flat backed hooks without sticky tapes;
This is where you have to use the heavy duty double sided tape, cut a strip enough to glue the hook to the magnetic sheet. Stick the double sided tape to the hook first, then pull the other side of the tape, next glue your magnetic sheet to it. 

Side view of the finished magnetic hook

Then your done. 

You can also use these hook for hanging small kitchen towels. 

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